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In the News

"A specialist in implicit memory, Dezso Nemeth develops an approach where theoretical psychology meets experimentation. He thus unveils mechanisms that are essential to our cognition and by nature difficult to explain. (...)"

IDEX Lyon, Université de Lyon

Dezso Nemeth: Follow the voice of the implicit!

How our brain guides our habits

"Learning to program and re-programme automatic habits and behaviours is a major scientific challenge. Advances in brain plasticity research have broad implications for health sciences aimed at overcoming harmful behaviours, such as addictions and obsessive-compulsive behaviour. (...)"

The Conversation

Why do teenagers take so many risks?

"The idea that they have impaired judgement compared to other age groups is contradicted by a recent study
contradicted by a recent study. Drunkenness, careless driving, unprotected sex... Young people seem to accumulate risky behaviour. (...)"

Le Figaro

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